Sunday, January 16, 2011

It's Been A While

It's been quite some time since I have posted on my blog. No particular reason really. Things were just very very busy both at work and at play.

Meg and I had a good trial season. Meg Jammed her first Junior. Placed in her second Junior, and then placed third in our first Qualifying Stake. With limited trialing it was a successful first season.

I brought Meg home in October for a break and then at the end of November Meg flew off to Colorado to train with Kenny Trott at Horsetooth Retriever Kennels. As of a few weeks ago, Kenny, Marcy and the crew arrived in Texas for the "winter trip". So far so good. Meg is getting along famously and from all accounts working well.

I'm planning a couple of trips to Texas in the next couple of months and I'm really looking forward to it, as I didn't get to go last year.

Since Meg has been gone, Jett was somewhat depressed. She didn't have Logan to play with so....I am fostering a beautiful golden retriever named Porter. Porter is about a year old so he is still quite the puppy. Porter's future will be in the show ring. I'm just very fortunate to have some time with him.

You may recall the puppy fits I had with Meg with her determination to "be free". Well, Porter puts all of Meg's efforts to shame.

Today, I went out and bought a new door for the grooming room. I had Rona Hardware saw the top off at a point where Porter can't reach his paws up to. Tomorrow, the new door is being installed and Porter will spend his alone time in the grooming room with no way of escape.

Jett and Porter love each other. My plan is to put the two of them together in the grooming room. They can play, chew on bones, whatever their little hearts desire. The only thing Porter won't be able to do is get into the food bins, chew up my boots, distress my cleaning lady, and in general,...get into trouble.

Although I sound like I'm complaining, Porter has been great company for Jett and he's very playful and very sweet. I've got him figured out though. He's smarter than he looks. I can no longer be sucked in by his antics. I was talking to Porter's owner the other day and I told her that Porter was exactly what I would consider a golden retriever to be like. His temperment is awesome. He is generally laid back and sweet. He doesn't fight with other males and he just wants to have fun. Porter makes friends with everyone he meets whether they be animal or human. He has such a gentle way about him. He manages to wrap everyone around his little finger. It's quite amazing actually. Marcy says that Miikka makes her laugh. Trust me when I say that Porter genuinely makes me laugh. I really enjoy having him around.

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