Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Escape Artist

Meg is an "escape artist" and she's loving every minute of it!!!!

Meg is good as gold - when I'm home. She sits and looks at you with adoring eyes with her head cocked on the side but deep down inside a devil is lurking! Meg is very smart and quietly devious.

I feel bad leaving Meg in her crate for too long. I have hired a dog walker who comes in Monday to Friday at 1:00 pm. Jennifer takes Meg and Jett for a walk. When she brings her back Meg and Jett go into the kitchen with chewy things, toys, bones, 2 beds, the whole nine yards. The baby gate gets put into place and life is good.

Or so it was for a while. Apparently the arrangement doesn't sit well with the youngest member of the pack.

I came home a week ago to find Meg sitting on the step, inside the door waiting for me to come home, a piece of toilet paper hanging precariously from the corner of her mouth and her tail wagging furiously. Upon greater investigation, toilet paper was strewn from one end of the house to the other. Jett, looking terribly worried, was still in place on the other side of the baby gate in the kitchen. As nothing was out of place I could only deduce that she had climbed over. Sigh....

Marcy suggested two baby gates, one on top of the other. Great idea Marcy but we didn't realize that Meg was part mountain goat. This did not work either. Poor Jett. Again, Jett is still sitting in the kitchen behind the baby gates. What a good girl. Meg, on the other hand, greeted me at the door with a bra in her mouth. Another sigh...

Today, we tried a different approach. Thinking that maybe Meg felt the need for more space,I blocked off the living room. I gave Jett and Meg the kitchen and hallway. Then we took cardboard and covered the baby gate so that she couldn't climb up using the holes as toe holds. We then took the baby gates and tied them to the stairs so that Meg could not get up the stairs and couldn't knock down the gate.

Once again, Meg made me look like an Amateur! I never knew how much fun and tasty cardboard could be!!! Yup, you guessed it. The cardboard was torn to shreds and littered everywhere (except the kitchen and hallway, where Jett was trembling with worry). Meg, was upstairs asleep on the bed. Meg has very busy days and needs her sleep.

SIGH............ I am sure the saga will continue.

I'm going to send Meg to Doggy Daycare tomorrow while I mull over my options. I'm running out of ideas. I just think she's too young to spend a whole day in the crate.

Did I say that I still love my puppy?????

1 comment:

Marcy said...

This is hilarious!! Made me laugh out loud. Oh...the joys of puppyhood.
Hope you got my message about my e-mail address change and I hope you have a great time in Alabama!!