Monday, February 9, 2009


It's amazing how dogs learn. The perfect puppy, Meg, who is the apple of my eye, has learned how to use her middle finger!!!

We went from being the best little girl who listened and did EVERYTHING on command to the really cute little dog who doesn't listen to a word I say.

Apparently "here" actually means run in the opposite direction with a toy, a bird or anything one can find as fast as you possibly can so that big meany can't catch up to you!!! It has been a very long weekend. What does get into them?

Did I say she was cute???? Just in case I didn't, she is still cute.

Back to the drawing board and the "really really long line"

Monday, February 2, 2009

We're Getting Brave

I'm getting brave.

I just figured out how to post pictures on Canadian Hunt Dogs and I have just officially introduced Meg to the "Canadian Retriever Community". I'm in for a terrible amount of ribbing since I have switched breeds and this doesn't go unnoticed.

I have had golden retrievers for the past 15 years and I finally decided that I wanted a lab.

Meg has settled in famously and she is just a dream. She is funny, smart and gets along with everybody.

We, the goldens and I, are having lots and lots of fun with Meg. Jett and Logan might try to tell you otherwise but I guarantee that they are having the time of their lives with little Meg. Jett finally has a playmate again and they are so incredibly compatible that its great! Logan doesn't seem his age anymore and he's even getting in on the action. Our little Meg has breathed new life into a couple of old farts. Well Jett's not really an old fart, but Logan is - but not any longer!!!

Meg is the hit of doggie daycare and obedience. She has a repertoire of sit, shake a paw and stay. She's working on down but I usually get everything else before the down. Apparently, "down" is going to be a problem. Well, it may be a problem but its very entertaining nonetheless!!